Category: Projects

Sustainable Environmental Solutions, Inc. Projects.

SES Lands Ottawa International Airport CMMS Project

“The Eagle has Landed” at Ottawa  International Airport where SES signed a contract to supply, implement and provide training for an Eagle Technology Proteus MMX Computerized Maintenance Management Solution for all of the award winning airport’s facilities. This project builds

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SES Completes Eagle Technology ProTeus CMMS Implementation & Training @ CSA Group

SES recently completed an Eagle Technology Proteus Computerized Maintenance Management System  implementation and training program for the CSA Group headquarters building in Rexdale, Ontario. For more information contact Leon Wasser, MBA, P.Eng.  

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SES Completes CMMS Training for CBRE & Government of Ontario Complex

Leon Wasser, MBA, P.Eng. recently completed the implentation and training for an Eagle Technolgy Proteus Computerized Maintenance Management System for CBRE and a Government of Ontario complex in Brampton, Ontario. For more information contact Leon Wasser, MBA, P.Eng.
